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1 Prev Med 1984; 13:490-500.

2 Nutrition Update July 1996. (Gary Fraser talk March 1996 at the General Conference.)

3 Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer- The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

4 Am J Epidemiol 1984; 120:244-250.

5 J Nati Cancer Inst Oct. 6, 1993.

6 J Nati Cancer Inst 1994; 86 (No. 4):281-286.

7 JAm Med Assoc 1996; 275:1315-1321.

8 Nutrition Update July 1996. (Gary Fraser talk March 1996 at the General Conference.)

9 J Nati Cancer Inst 1993; 85:1906-1916.

10 Cancer Research 1994; 54:2390-2397.

11 J NatI Cancer Inst 1994; 86:1131-1139.

12 Cancer 1993; 71:3575-3581.

13 J NatI Cancer Inst 1992; 84:1326-1331.

14 Psychosomatic Medicine 1971; 33:436-444.

15 J Am Diet Assoc 1980; 76:148-151.

16 Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 50:5117-5123.

17 Nutrition Today 1968; 3: (No. 2) 9-11.

18 J. Blankenship, personal communication, 1978.

19 Nutrition Update July 1996. (Gary Fraser talk March 1996 at the General Conference.)

20 Prev Med 1978; 7:173-195.

21 Cancer 1966; 19:489-520.

22 Am J Epidemiol 1984; 120:244-250.

23 Ibid.

24 J Am Med Assoc Feb. 14, 1996.

25 Arch Int Med 1992; 152:1416-1424.

26 Arch Int Med 1992; 152:1416-1424.

27 J Am Coil Nutr 1992; 11:126-130.

28 Nutr Rep mil 1988; 38:117-128.

29 Ministry, Sept. 1989, pp. 24-27.

30 Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer- The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

31 Prev Med 1984; 13:490-500.

32 Am J Public Health 1985; 75:507-512.

31 Cancer 1989; 64:598-604.

34 Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer - The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

35 Am J Epidemiol 1984; 120:244-250.

36 Circulation 1984; 70:167.

37 J Nutr 1992; 122:1397-1406.

38 Am J Clin Nutr 1992; 56:671-672.

39 Peng SK, Taylor СВ. Atherogenic effect of oxidized cholesterol. In: Perkinds EG,

Visek WJ (editors): Dietary Fats and Health, American Oil Chemists Society, pp.

919-933, 1983.

40 Lipids 1991; 26:381-384.

41 Am J Clin Nutr 1978; 3LS191-198.

42 National Cholesterol Education Program. Report on the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. National Cholesterol Education Program, coordinated by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Oct. 5, 1987.

43 J Am Med Assoc 1990; 263: 1646-1652.

44 Circulation 1992; 86:1-11.

45 Lancet 1990; 336:129-133.

46 WHO Study Group. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, p. 114, WHO Technical Report Series 797, 1990.

47 Ministry, Sept. 1989, pp. 24-27.

48 Am J Clin Nutr 1978; 31:S191-198.

49 Prev Med 1984; 13:490-500.

50 Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer- The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

Am J Epidemiol 1984; 120:244-250.

J Nati Cancer Inst Oct. 6, 1993.

J Nati Cancer Inst 1994; 86 (No. 4):281-286.

J Am Med Assoc 1996; 275:1315-1321.

Nutrition Update July 1996. (Gary Fraser talk March 1996 at the General Conference.)

J Nati Cancer Inst 1993; 85:1906-1916.

Cancer Research 1994; 54:2390-2397.

J Nati Cancer Inst 1994; 86:1131-1139.

Cancer 1993; 71:3575-3581.

See Adventist Health Study

51 Cancer Research 1994; 54:2390-2397.

52 J Am Diet Assoc 1980; 76:148-151.

53 Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer - The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

54 Nutrition Today 1968; 3: (No. 2) 9-11.

55 Altshul AM. Proteins, Their Chemistry and Politics. Basic Books, Inc., New York,

195, pp. 262-265. Morrison FB. Feeds and Feeding, The Morrison Publishing Co., Ithaca, New York,

1950, p.261.

U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture. Protecting our Food, Yearbook of Agriculture, 1966, .S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., p. 359.

56 JNail Cancer Inst 1994; 86:33-38.

57 Nutr Cancer 1992; 18:1-29.

58 Cancer 1985; 55 (No. 2):460-467.

59 Cancer Research 1984; 44:1216-1222.

Am J Clin Nutr 1985; 41:32-36.

Graham S, Mettlin C. In: Newell GR, Ellison NH (editors): Progress in Cancer

Research and Therapy, vol. 17. Nutrition and Cancer, Etiology and Treatment.

Raven Press 1981, pp. 189-215.

60 Nutr Cancer 1992; 17:263-270.

61 Regina Ziegler, Ph. D. of the National Cancer Institute who spoke on beta carotene at the April 1991 Diet and Cancer Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia.

62 J Am Coil Nutr 1993; 12:138-146.

63 Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53:335S-355S.

64 Health After 50 Feb. 1991.

65 Am J Clin Nutr 1985; 41:32-36.

66 WHO Study Group. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, pp. 98-99, WHO Technical Report Series 797, 1990.

67 Nutrition Update July 1996. (Gary Fraser talk March 1996 at the General Conference.)

68 Ibid.

69 Ibid.

70 Ibid.

71 Ibid.

72 U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture. Home Economic Research Report No. 20, 1962.

73 Am J Clin Nutr 1984; 40:896-905.

Phillips RL, Snowdon DA, Brin RN. Cancer in vegetarians. In: Wynder EL, Leveille GA, Wiesburger JH, Livingston GE (editors): Environmental Aspects of Cancer - The Role of Macro and Micro Components of Foods. Food & Nutrition Press, pp. 53-72. Westport, Conn. 1983.

74 Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, National Research Council. Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, pp. 5-17, National Academy Press, 1982.

75 Prev Med 1983; 12:60-69.

76 Nut Rev 1977; 35:1-5.

77 J Nutrition 1957; 62:421-424.

78 Nutrition Reviews 1987; 45:335.

79 CVD Epidemiology Newsletter, No. 27, 1979, р. 81.

80 J Cardiovsac Pharmacol 1981; 3:847-853. CanJPhysiol Pharmacol 1985; 63:1411-1417.

81 Am J Cardiol 1989; 63:269-272. Lancet 1988; 2:285.

82 Lifetime Health Letter 1991; 3 (No. 10):2.

83 J Am Diet Assoc 1972; 61:159. (See also Science 1970; 167, 165).

84 J Am Med Assoc 1996; 275:1828-1829.

85 J Am Med Assoc 1993; 270:2726-2727.