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Глава 1

1. See E. G. While, Testimonies for the Church (Mountan View, California, Pacific Press Publishing Association. 1855-1909). vol. 3. p. 201, vol. 4, pp. 87, 88. See also Testimonies. vol. 1, pp. 185-195.

2. ibid, pp. 313, 314.

3. ibid,p.315.

4. ibid, pp. 374, 375.

5. E. G. White manuscript 15,1888, in A. V. Olson, Thirteen Crisis Years (Washington, D.C.: Reviw and Herald Publishing Assodation, 1981). p. 305.

8. E. G. White manuscript 6,1888. In Olson, p. 250.

7. E. G. White, in Review and Herald. Oct. 8. 1889. in Olson pp. 264-266.

Глава 2

1. Seventh-day Adventst Encyclopedia, rev. c. (1976), pp. 707,1563, 1564.

2. Note specially p. 399.

3. R. W. Schwarz. Light Bearers to the Remnant (Mountain View, California.: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1979), pp. 185-187.

4. Quoted by Eugene Durand. Yours in Blessed Hope, Uriah Smith (Washington, D.C.: Reviw and Herald Publishing Association, 1980). p. 265.

5. W. C. White to D. T Jones. Apr. 8. 1890. pp. 3, 6.

6. Schwarz. p. 187.

7. A. W. Spalding. Origin and History of Seventh Day Adventists (Washington. D.C.: Reviw and Herald Publishing Assodation. 1962). Vol. 2., pp. 29V. 292.

Глава 3

1. E. J. Waggoner, Christ and His Rignteousness (Oakland. Pacifc Press Publishing Association, 1890 [facsimile reproduction, Nashvile: Southern Publishing Association, 1972]), pp. 5.6.

2. ibid, p.45

3. ibid, p.45, 46.

4. ibid., p.71.

5. ibid, p.66.

6. E, G. While, Desire or Ages. p. 664.

7. Waggoner, pp. 26, 27.

8. ibid, pp.27, 28.

9. ibid, pp. 28, 29. 10. ibid, p.29.

11. ibid., pp. 29,31.

12. ibid, pp. 92,95. 13.ibid, pp.78,80.

14. ibid .pp.30, 31.

15. Olson, Thirteen Crisis Years, p. 276.

16. E. G. Whte. RH. Feb. 11,1890.

17. E. G. While, RH. Apr. 1, 1890.

18. Olson, p. 53.

Глава 4

1. E. G. White manuscript 5,1889.

2. ibid., in Olson, p.53.

3. White, Testimonies. vol. 2, p. 593.

4. ibid, vol. 5, pp. 46, 165.

5. White, Selected Messages, boot 1, p. 351.

6. ibid, p. 353.

7. White. RH. May 20, 1884.

8. Olson, Thirteen Crisis Years, pp. 303, 304.

9. White, manuscript 5,1889.

10. White, RH, Mar. 5,1889.

11. While, RH, Sep. 3.1889.

12. White, RH, Nov. 22,1889.

13. White, letter 24,1892.

14. While, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 79.

15. ibid., pp. 91-93; also Olson, pp. 39,40.

16. ibid.. p. 95.

17. White, letter 19d, 1892.

18. White, letter 24.1892. in Olson, p. 119.

Глава 5

1. R. W. Schwarz, Light Bearers to (fie Remnant (Mountain View. California.: Pacific Press Publishing Association. 1979). pp. 187, 188.

2. Spalding, vol. 2, p. 292.

3. L. E. Froom, Movement of Destiny, p. 246.

4. ibid, pp. 246, 247.

5. See her talk in Olson, pp. 263, 266.

6. ibid., pp. 284, 286, 290.

7. ibid., pp. 300, 301.

8. ibid, pp. 302, 303.

9. ibid.

10. ibid., p. 303.

11. ibid, pp. 310, 311.

12. Quoted in Olson, p.43.

Глава 6

1. Written June 13,1893: quoted In Olson. Thirteen Crisis Years, p. 92.

2. In Olson, pp. 300, 302.

3. White, letter 82, 1888.

4. White, manuscript 30, 1889.

5. White, RH, May 27, 1890.

6. White, letter 2a, 1892.

7. White, teller 24,1892.

8. General Conference Bulletin. 1893, p. 1.

9. E. White 10 0. Olsen, May 31, 1896. 10. Ibid.

11. White, Special Testimonies. Series A, No, 6, p. 20.

12. White. Special Testimonies. Series A, No. 7, pp. 54, 55.

13. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. E. White comments, vol. 5, p.1085.

14. White, manuscript 24, 1888.

15. White, letter 51a. 1895. in Olson, p. 44.

16. See White, Tesinronies to Ministers, pp. 96,97.

17. White, letter 179, 1902.

18. White, letter 14, 1889.

19. ibid.

Глава 7

1. White, letter 7. 1888.

2. White, letter 96, 1896

3. Durand. Youra in me Hessed Hope, pp. 231-236.

4. The SDA Bine Cimmentary. E. White Comnmts. vol 7. p. 973.

5. Olson, Thirteen Crisis Year;, p. 306.

6. White, letter 27, 1894.

7. White. The Acts Of the Apostles, pp. 404, 405.

8. White. Selected Messages, book 1, p. 235.

9. R. M. Robinson, S. N. Haskd. Man of Action.

10 White, letter 21, 1888.

Глава 8

1. White, manuscript 9, 1888.

2. White, RH. Mar. 5, 1889.

3. ibid, Jul. 23, 1889.

4.ibid, Augl. l3, 1889.

5. ibid, Sep. 23, 1889.

6. S. H. Lane, RH, Sep.10.l889.

7. White, RH, Aug. 13. 1989.

8. White. RH, Mar. 18, 1890.

9. White, manuscript 10, 1889.

10. Olson, pp. 71-62.

11. White, letter 30, 1889.

12. White, RH. Aug. 26, 1889.

13. White, letter 3, 1891.

14. RH. Mar. 31, 1891.

15. Arthur L. White. Ellen G. White: The Australian Years. sep. 14-16.

16. White, letter 127. 1896.

17. Olson. pp. 97-108.

18. G. I. Butler. RH. Jun. 13, 1893.

19. White, letter 77, 1902.

Глава 9

1. Durand. Yours in the Blessed Hope, pp. 260, 263.

2.White, letter 24,H 92.

3. White, RH, Jul. 26. 1892.

4. The SDA Bible Commentary. Ellen White Comments, vol. 7. p. 961.

5. White, letter 100, 1896.

8. White. Testimonies to Minders, pp. 393-396.

7. The SDA Bible Commentary. Ellen White Comments. vol. 7. pp. 964.

8. ibid, pp. 962, 963.

9. Arthur L. White, The Eariy Bronafen Years, pp. 73. 74.

10. ibid, pp.89. 91.

11. ibid, pp. 100-107.

12. General Conference Bulletin, 1901, p. 305.

13. White. In General Conference Bulletin. 1901. p. 463.

14. White .RH. Feb. 25, 1902.

15. ibid. Feb. l8. 1904.

16. Sctiwarz. Bearers Bearers to the Remnant. pp. 189, 195.

Глава 10

1. In Arthur L White, Ellen G. White The Laler Elmshaven Years, p. 450.

2. A. G. Daniels to E. G. White. Dec. 24. 1903.

3. White, leter 255. 1904.

4. Daniels. Christ Our Righteousness, p. 6.

5. ibid, p. 47.

6. ibid, pp. 50,51

7. ibid, p. 23.

8. ibid., p. 26.

9. ibid, p. 88.

10. ibid, p. 69.

11. ibid, p. 47.

12. Froom. Movement ot Destiny, pp. 404, 405.

Глава 11

1. White. Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 316.

2. White, The Desire or Ages, pp. 618, 619.

3. White. The Great Conlrwersy. p. 28.

4. White. RH, Apr. 11. 1893.

5. White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 437.

6. White, Early Writings, p. 276.

7. White, Tne Desin of Ages. p. 17.

8. ibid, p. 306.

9. White, Tnougnts From the Mount or Blessing, p.62.

10. White, Education, pp. 113, 114.

11. White, Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 303.

12. ibid, vol. 3, p. 361.

13. ibid, vol. 5, p. 143.

14. ibid, vol. 4, p. 185.

15. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 306.

16. A. T. Jones. The Everlastng' Gospel or God's Everasting Covenant, p. 31.

17. White, manuscript 15.1888, in Olson, Thireen Crisis Years, p. 304.

18. ibid, p. 305.

19. White. letter 19d. 1892. in Olson, p. 89.

20. White, letter 24,1892.

21. E. White to A. Olsen, May 31, 1896, In Special Testimines Concming Ihe Work and the Ptcifc Press. p. 131 (E. White Estate pagination).

22. White, letter 2a, 1892. In Olson, p. 44.

Глава 12

1. Daniel Galeman, in Elaine Giddings. "The Other Truth", Adventist Review, Mar. 13. 1986.

2. SDA Church manual (1986). p. 162.

3. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 309.

4. White. Christ's Object Lessons, p. 316.

5. White. Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 510, 511.

Глава 13

1. "Semnon on Gaitians 3:23-29". Semnons Martin Luther, vol 6, pp.

966, 969.

2. White, Christ's Object Lessons, p. 312.

Глава 14

1. Spalding, Origin and History, vol. 2, p. 281.

2. White, The Desire of Ages. p. 560.

3. ibid, p. 495.

4. ibid. p. 668.

5. White, Special Testimonies, Series A, No. 1. p. 46.

6. White, Gospel Workers, pp. 13, 14.

7. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 161: see also 1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19: Rom. 8:9).

8. White, In General Conference Bulletin, 1901. p. 26.